Cinecubo IAB – Session: Bernardes


Screening of the movie ‘Bernardes’ at IAB-SP, and talk with Guilherme Wisnik after the session.


Tuesday, July 16 at 7:30 PM

Thursday, November 11 at 10 AM


IAB-SP – Instituto de Arquitetos do Brasil – São Paulo
Free entrance


The screening was followed by a debate with the presence of: Guilherme Wisnik, architecture critic, Fausto Sombra, architect and researcher of the work of Sergio Bernardes and the mediation was  by Guido Otero, director of the Institute of Architects of Brazil in São Paulo (IAB-SP).


Movie trailer:




SB100 Exhibition – event on May 7, 2019


Giving continuity to Sergio Bernardes Centennial celebrations, a debate about his work will take place, with the researchers Adriana Caúla (EAU/UFF), Thaysa Malaquias (FAU/UFRJ), Fausto Sombra (FAU/Mackenzie) and Ethel Santana (PROARQ/UFRJ), mediated by prof. Ana Amora (PROARQ/UFRJ).


At Centro Carioca de Design (Praça Tiradentes, 48, Rio de Janeiro)

May 7, 2019


6 pm – Exhibition of the movie ‘Mission Rio’
Synopsis: Documentary about the political and administrative plan of the city of Rio de Janeiro prepared by the architect and urban planner Sergio Bernardes.

Director: Sérgio Bernardes Filho; Duration: 42 min; Year: 1982; Country: Brazil


7 pm – Debate ‘The Work of Sergio Bernardes’

